Environment Environmental Management

Basic Approach

Since fiscal 2022, the Mitsubishi Chemical Group (the MCG Group) has been engaged in environmental and safety activities, based on its “One Company, One Team” system.
Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Group conducts environmental management, and has formulated the Code of Conduct and Environment & Safety Policy, which set out a basic approach and initiatives for business activities based on the MCG Group’s high-level policies.
We promote activities that consider the environment, safety, and health in line with these guidelines and policies and constantly strive to reduce our environmental impact. In addition, we proactively disclose environmental information to society and promote communication through dialogue with stakeholders.

Code of Conduct for the Environment and Safety
In conformity with the overriding principle that safety is paramount, we strive to prevent accidents occurring at workplaces and to implement adequate precautions and preparations against all contingencies, including occupational accidents and disasters. We also take continuing steps to reduce the impact of our corporate activities on the natural environment and we are fully committed to community environmental conservation activities.
Environment & Safety Policy

Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corporation and its group companies (“MTPC Group”) aim to be global research-driven pharmaceutical companies that are trusted by society, and actively strive to protect the global environment and ensure people’s safety.

  1. 1We assess our corporate activities for their environmental impact in order to continuously reduce environmental burden.
  2. 2We give priority to safety considerations for all our workers to prevent occurrence of occupational accidents.
  3. 3We set clear targets for our environmental and safety activities, and we effectively maintain and improve our system to achieve such targets.
  4. 4We pursue activities in compliance with not only laws and regulations relating to environment and safety, but also more rigorous corporate management standards.
  5. 5We systematically conduct training to raise each and every employee's awareness of the environment and safety.
  6. 6We proactively disclose information relating to environment and safety so that we can deepen communication with society.
  7. 7By proactively participating in and cooperating with environmental management and disaster reduction activities organized by local communities, we prepare against unforeseen contingencies such as accidents and disasters, to minimize their impact.

Environmental Compliance

The Group has declared that “We work actively to protect the global environment and strive to realize the Company’s harmonious co-existence with society” as a compliance action policy to be implemented by each employee.
Specifically, in every aspect of our business activities, we will strive to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote energy conservation, resource conservation and resource recycling, reduce waste, and participate in and cooperate with local communities in environmental conservation activities. We will work to achieve a sustainable society by transitioning to a carbon-neutral society and a circular economy as well as protecting the global environment.
We will continue to reduce our environmental impact by creating a companywide environment and occupational safety management system, establishing, and sharing goals and targets for environment and safety management, and formulating, implementing, evaluating, and reviewing plans at all offices. We will thoroughly manage environmental and safety risks and take prompt and appropriate actions to deal with any problems that may arise.

Environmental Management Promotion System

We are moving forward with a system of environmental management with the Representative Director in charge. Headed by the Representative Director, the Environment & Safety Committee convenes regularly to discuss and make decisions on important environmental and safety issues, medium-to-long-term as well as annual policies, and activity goals.
In addition, the Environment & Safety Liaison Council, which consists of heads of each division and presidents of domestic and overseas Group affiliated companies, and is overseen by the Environment & Safety Management Department manager, meets regularly. The Council thoroughly discusses and reviews activities related to the environment and safety as well as execution plans and submits important matters and issues related to policy decisions to the Environment & Safety Committee.
Furthermore, we established the Environment & Safety Management Department in the corporate organization as a department that oversees environment and safety matters for the Group as a whole. Through close ties with management and frontline workers, the office supports stronger frontline capabilities and the development of a culture of safety. In this way, the office works to prevent the occurrence or recurrence of accidents related to the environment and safety.
The policies, targets, and plans of the Group with regard to the environment are formulated in conjunction with the MCG Group. We engage in regular exchanges of information within the MCG Group as we undertake environmental activities.

ISO 14001 Certifications

Of the Group's production bases in Japan and overseas, five bases have obtained ISO 14001 certification. At production and research bases that have not obtained ISO 14001, we are building our own environment management systems in accordance with ISO 14001 and are managing these appropriately.

Bases with ISO 14001 certification

Company name Name of base Year certification first obtained
Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Factory Onoda Plant 1998
Yoshitomi Plant 2001
Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Indonesia Bandung Plant 2004
Tianjin Tanabe Seiyaku Head Office Plant 2010
Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Korea Hyangnam Plant 2014

Environmental Audits

The environment management department periodically (Domestically: Annual, Overseas: Biennially) conducts environmental audits at production and research bases in Japan and overseas to confirm matters such as the status of environmental management and compliance, and that its environmental conservation activities are conducted legally and appropriately.
In these audits, we use check sheets of company regulations to check the status of compliance with internal rules, and the management status of environment-related facilities (waste storage facilities, wastewater treatment facilities, exhaust gas generation facilities, etc.). We ask that they submit an improvement plan and report to address the matters identified in the audit and confirm their response at the next audit. We ensure the effectiveness of environmental audits at our overseas bases by periodically conducting EHS compliance audits by external specialists who are familiar with the laws and regulations of the countries and regions in which they are located.
In fiscal 2022, environmental audits were conducted at five domestic bases (Yokohama Office, Shonan Office, Onoda Office, Onoda Plant, and Yoshitomi Plant). Overseas, audits were conducted at three bases (Tianjin Tanabe Seiyaku, Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Korea, and Taiwan Tanabe Seiyaku).
Although remote audits have been conducted online since the spread of COVID-19, in recognition of the infection situation, audits were performed face-to-face onsite for the first time in three years, at which activities and issues unique to each business location were shared and environmental activities confirmed to be in good condition.

Priority items checked in audits
  • Managerial and operational status of environment-related facilities, etc.
  • Status of compliance with environmental laws and regulations and internal rules
  • Initiatives under the Law Concerning the Promotion of Resource Recycling of Plastics

Environmental Education

Aiming for rigorous environmental compliance, the Group plans and implements environmental education and training in accordance with the level of connection to the environment.
Employees in charge of environmental management, work to maintain and improve specialized skills and knowledge about environmental management by proactively obtaining qualifications and taking outside training courses.
In response to the strengthening of environmental laws and regulations in recent years, in fiscal 2022, we held environmental training sessions on subjects such as the latest trends in environmental laws and regulations, and examples of trends and risks in waste management measures.

Major training conducted in fiscal 2022

Training for new employees
New employees of the domestic Group
Date of implementation
April 2022
Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Group environmental targets for environmental problems
Environmental training for MR
Domestic MR employees
Date of implementation
August 2022
Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Group initiatives toward climate change and resource recycling
Environmental laws and regulations training
People responsible for environmental management of domestic Group bases, and those wishing to do so
Date of implementation
November 2022
Latest trends in laws and regulations regarding the environment
Trends in waste management measures and examples of its risks
Domestic Supply Chain
Date of implementation
March 2023
Training regarding waste processing

Status of Environmental Accidents/Violations of Environmental Laws and Regulations

For the sixth consecutive year, the Group had no environmental accidents and no major violations of environmental-related laws and regulations.

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