Society > Together with Employees Occupational Health and Safety
Occupational Health and Safety Management
Based on our Code of Conduct and Environmental Safety Policy, to prevent occupational accidents in the workplace, and promote employee health and a comfortable work environment, the Group operates management systems in accordance with Guidelines on Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems (OSHMS) presented by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. Last year, Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Korea (Hyangnam Plant) commenced operations after acquiring the new international standard ISO45001.
Moreover, the Group conducts regular internal safety audits to verify that safety management, legal compliance, and activities to ensure safety are being conducted in a legal and appropriate manner. We are engaging in training and other safety education to encourage and improve awareness of safety at each office.
Occupational Health and Safety Promotion System
At Group offices, we have established the Health and Safety Committee, which meets once a month, as a structure for ensuring employee safety and health and creating a comfortable work environment. The committee consists of general health and safety managers (office managers and plant managers), safety managers, health supervisors, occupational physicians, and members selected by the Company and labor union.
The committee reports on health and safety activities and discusses important policies for preventing occupational accidents and health disorders of employees, and health promotion. The matters reported and discussed by the committee are communicated to all employees through the health and safety meetings held by each division.
Occupational Health and Safety Activities
Based on the policy stated in our Code of Conduct of prioritizing safety above all else, each office formulates health and safety objectives and implementation plans, and institutes health and safety activities (hazard recognition training, near-miss reviews, workplace inspections, safety education and training, etc.), along with periodic risk assessment to identify potential workplace risks and implement measures to alleviate them. Additionally, to prevent work-related accidents, it is important to maintain and strengthen environmental and safety management capabilities, and to enhance the awareness of each employee regarding risk, and we are endeavoring to enhance our on-site capabilities (the ability to solve problems spontaneously and autonomously).
As a result of setting a target of 0.23 or less for lost time rate in Japan in fiscal 2022, and engaging in a range of safety initiatives, we achieved a lost time rate of 0.13, although there was one lost time incident in Japan (there were two incidents overseas). Additionally, there was one lost time incident (due to a fall) at a subcontractor company situated in one of our business sites in Japan, and since accidents due to falling continue to occur, we are working to enhance awareness of safety, including of fall prevention, in both our own employees and at subcontracting companies.
In April 2022, the Mitsubishi Chemical Group (the MCG Group) inaugurated shared safety activities and is aiming for zero accidents and occupational injuries throughout the Group. In promoting remote work through our reform of workstyles, we are continuing to ensure the safety of our employees and manage their mental health, utilizing online capabilities and encouraging active communication with supervisors and colleagues. We also distribute the “Telework Workstyle Handbook,” a guide on maintaining health and safety in remote work situations.
- *Lost time injury frequency rate:
Number of casualties due to accidents that require time off from work up to one million actual working hours (excluding commuting injuries). - *Calculation period:
For the Group, April to March the next year; for pharmaceutical industry averages and manufacturing industry averages, January to December. - *Scope: All domestic Group offices
- *Total working hours:
For fiscal 2018, scope includes permanent employees, contract employees, and temporary employees. Excluding certain bases, for permanent employees and contract employees, calculated as actual work hours; for temporary employees dispatched by personnel agencies, calculated as work hours per day x number of business days x number of employees. For certain bases, calculated as work hours per day x number of business days x number of employees + overtime hours.
Since fiscal 2019, scope has included permanent employees, contract employees (including some part-time employees), and temporary employees. For permanent employees and contract employees calculated as actual work hours; for temporary employees calculated as work hours per day x number of business days x number of employees.
Safety education and training
Remote or in-person training taking infection control measures into account
- Legal/worker compliance obligation training
- Health and safety training
- Hazard recognition training
- Risk assessment training
- Static electricity training workshop
Shared safety activities in the MCG Group
- Safety conference (July)
- Safety lecture (July)
- President's Safety Award (December)
- Basic Safety Actions Poster creation (March)
Telework Workstyle Handbook
Telework Workstyle Handbook: The handbook was created to ensure the safety of employees and maintain their physical and mental health even while performing remote work.
Chemical Substance Safety Management
As a company that handles many substances, including pharmaceuticals, the Group has established internal regulations related to chemical substances including its Chemical Substance Handling Guidelines, which sets forth the proper handling of those substances.
Accordingly, potential risks are now evaluated in advance (risk evaluation of chemical substances) from the perspectives of both “dangerous and hazardous” and “exposure of people and the environment.” We are taking steps to prevent accidents and disasters related to chemical substances by systematically implementing risk management and mitigation measures from the acquisition of chemical substances to their storage, transport, use and disposal. The Chemical Substances Handling Guidelines also specify measures to prevent or mitigate environmental pollution, accidents, damage to health, fire and explosions caused by hazardous materials. All employees at all offices continue to spread and establish these as guidelines in their ongoing safety, health, and disaster prevention efforts.
Furthermore, we will comply with laws and regulations, and strive to ensure the proper management of chemical substances by conducting education and training on them as well as safety audits.
Additionally, the Group shares information regarding the management of new chemical substances in accordance with April 2023 revisions to the Industrial Safety and Health Act and acts appropriately with regard to laws and regulations. We work to ensure the safety of those who work with chemical substances not subject to legal control, providing safety information using Safety Data Sheets.
Safety and Accident Prevention
The Group is working to prevent safety-related accidents at each office. After extracting and identifying risks, prioritizing them, and examining measures for their removal or reduction, they are reflected in the capital investment plan for the next fiscal year to improve unsafe facilities and equipment.
Additionally, we use safety assessments and horizontal application of near-miss reviews to implement safety measures required in dangerous locations and to prevent accidents and disasters before they occur.
Employee Health Management
Health and Productivity Management Initiatives
In April 2016, the Group established the MTPC* Group Health Policy. We effectively and appropriately promote activities concerning employee health in accordance with this policy.
With the goal of creating a working environment in which a diverse range of people can work actively and energetically in good physical and mental health, we are working to support both health support measures and time management activities in order to promote health and productivity management.
From fiscal 2022 onwards, we are strengthening our platform of health management, centered on the following four aspects.
- Preventative measures against lifestyle-related diseases
- Preventative measures against mental health issues
- Preventative measures against infectious diseases
- Support for women’s health
With regard to time management activities, we are working to comply with laws and regulations (ensuring that employees take five days of paid leave, and complying with article 36 of the Labor Standards Act), and to prevent overwork.
*Abbreviation of Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corporation
- MTPC Group Health Policy
- 1We will strive to maintain our own health so that we can contribute to the health of people around the world.
- 2We will leverage our own capabilities and advance the establishment of an environment in which we can work energetically.
Fiscal 2022 results
Fiscal 2022 results for health and productivity management initiatives[PDF:130KB]
We have established indicators for evaluation of the implementation of health and productivity management initiatives and summarize them as results for each fiscal year. We endeavor to achieve a 100% examination (participation) rate with regard to periodic health checks, in-depth examinations, and e-learning targeting all employees. Our goal is to improve on the prevalence of findings for all other areas, and to improve on findings over the previous year. Our target for cancer screening rate is 75%, set by the health insurance association.
Social recognition
In fiscal 2022, we were certified by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s “Outstanding Enterprise in Health and Productivity Management – White 500” (large enterprise category) for the seventh consecutive year. The Group exceeded the industry average for all evaluation items, particularly in the “Organizational Structure (Adoption by Employees)” field, where we received the highest rating both in our industry and across the board in all industries.
We will promote the development of "healthy people and organizations" through health measures, and "globally competitive people and organizations" through human resource revitalization measures. In addition, we are working to maintain and promote the health of our employees, and based on this, will improve employees’ vitality and performance, invigorating the organization and promoting business growth.
For the fourth consecutive year, Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma has been certified as a “Sports Yell Company” (Japan Sports Agency), which recognizes companies that support and promote the sporting activities of their employees.
Every year, in cooperation with the health insurance association, we have held a walking campaign that utilizes wearable devices, and encourages employees to maintain their health. Additionally, from fiscal 2020 onwards we have continued with multifaceted efforts to address physical issues stemming from reduced physical activity during the COVID-19 pandemic, such as installing apps to improve back pain and stiff shoulders, distributing stretching videos, and offering discounts that families can also use at sports gyms.
We were selected under the Action Plan for the Promotion of Cancer Control, a project commissioned by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, for recognition and commendation as a “Cancer Control Promotion Excellent Company” for the third consecutive year in recognition of our cancer prevention efforts on behalf of our employees.
We are improving measures to combat cancer for our employees, such as subsidizing fees for comprehensive medical checkups through the health assurance association, encouraging employees to undergo cancer screening by switching to regular health checkups, and introducing systems to support a balance between work and medical treatment. From fiscal 2021, we introduced preventative e-learning for all employees, with a participation rate of 92.7% in fiscal 2021, and 96.2% in fiscal 2022.
Achieving a Work-Life Balance for Employees
To maintain the mental and physical health of our employees and live a fulfilling life with a good work-life balance, the Company views the prevention of excessively long work hours and the taking of sufficient paid time off as important issues for the realization of health and productivity management.
The health of employees is an important asset for the company, and even in an era of changing workstyles, we believe that having each employee live a healthy life full of vitality every day helps bring about new ideas, higher motivation, and greater engagement. Therefore, based on the progress of the TM Campaign in fiscal 2022, we will implement it throughout the domestic Group in fiscal 2023, focusing on prevention of excessive working hours and ensuring that people take paid leave.
Fiscal 2023 TM* Campaign - 2 TMs-
*MTPC’s domestic Group, including management supervisors
In fiscal 2023, we will roll out each initiative with the final goal of reducing total annual working hours per person from those of fiscal 2022 by achieving the “2 TMs.”
- (1)Reduce overtime work (Time Management)
We seek to reduce the number of workers performing overtime work of more than 360 hours a year in comparison to the previous year by prohibiting, in principle, working and the sending of e-mails at night, early in the morning and on holidays, and by setting a fixed time and day once a week for every employee to leave work (Friday is recommended). In particular, we will follow up individually with those who put in long working hours and check overtime working conditions with labor and management at each base. - (2)Ensure proper rest (Time Making)
In order to promote the taking of paid time off of 70% (15 days) or more, we will establish annual paid time off taken simultaneously by all employees (two days a year), set aside days to encourage the taking of paid time off (five days a year), and individually follow-up with employees who have not taken paid time off. Taking the balance with flexible workstyles into account we will not set targets for work-shift intervals, but from the standpoint of maintaining the health of our employees, we will continue to promote awareness of our systems and follow up with those who do not use them.
Fiscal 2022 TM Campaign results
The number of employees working long hours (overtime in excess of 360 hours per year), including managers and supervisors, was down 35.8% year-on-year, significantly exceeding our target for a 4% year-on-year reduction in fiscal 2022. Additionally, we achieved our targets for utilization of paid leave: 77.1% against a target of 70% or higher, non-achievement of work-shift interval: 1.1% against a target of 2% or less, therefore achieving our ultimate goal of reducing total working hours per employee.
Preventative Measures against Lifestyle-Related Diseases
We are prioritizing measures to counter high blood pressure and support people in their efforts to stop smoking as part of our endeavors to prevent lifestyle-related illnesses. As a measure against high blood pressure, we have run a risk-group specific blood pressure management program since fiscal 2017. This program is intended to encourage improvements to lifestyles, first stratifying the risk of developing brain or cardiovascular disorders over the next ten years based on medical histories and medical examinations, and then dividing sectors targeted for support into three categories (high-, medium-, and low-risk), and checking control status based on blood pressure. Participants are surveyed to assess their current treatment status, interviews with industrial physicians conducted as needed, and dietary seminars held to manage blood pressure. In fiscal 2022, blood pressure risk was observed to improve in 62.3% of high-risk people who participated in the fiscal 2021 program, 46.2% of medium-risk people, and 55.5% of low-risk people. Additionally, in fiscal 2022, 60.7% of high-risk people participated in dietary seminars aimed at managing blood pressure, while a survey of treatment status confirmed that 67.8% of high-risk people were continuing with treatment.
Starting in fiscal 2017, we have promoted a three-year program to help people stop smoking, and our working rules state clearly that smoking is prohibited on company premises at all times. From fiscal 2020, the Company, health insurance association, and labor union have worked as one to create a framework to encourage people to stop smoking and are aiming to reduce the smoking rate to 5% of employees. In fiscal 2022, the Company and the health insurance association worked together in a collaborative health initiative, conducting a survey to identify smokers who are considering giving up smoking, holding a “Start now!” campaign to encourage people to take up the challenge of quitting with the assistance of their supporters. Moreover, each business site also holds its own events to help people stop smoking, offering caring, nuanced support that only a local site can provide. As a result of these initiatives, the smoking rate was 8.4% as of the end of fiscal 2022. Looking to fiscal 2023 and beyond, we will aim to achieve a smoking rate of 5%, and will leverage the strengths of each organization as we work together to help people give up smoking.
In fiscal 2022, in celebration of the 15th anniversary of the Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma, the Company and the health insurance association held a joint “Charity Walk” event. People participate in a walking campaign held every year by the health insurance association, improving their health through walking. Since the Company donates to social contribution organizations based on the number of steps taken by participants, this initiative combines health with social contribution. As many as 1,037 people participated, with the amount donated to four social contribution organizations totaling 755,502 yen.
Preventative Measures against Mental Health Issues
The Group has conducted stress checks once a year since 2010. The percentage of employees undergoing stress checks increases every year, reaching 98.7% in fiscal 2022. In stress checks, organizational analyses are conducted to improve work environments, and the issues identified are provided as feedback to human resources managers at each department and affiliate in Japan, enhancing initiatives at each workplace through the exchange of opinions.
Moreover, as a result of these stress checks, we have introduced a program that addresses stress in terms of relieving pain for those people designated as having high levels of stress who suffer from sore shoulders, back pain, or headaches. Program participants have been able to alleviate their pain and improve stress levels.
We are implementing e-learning-based training for all employees to promote self-care. Themes addressed are chosen to be topical at the time, such as anger management and mental health while working remotely, and the training has maintained a 90% participation rate. In fiscal 2022, we conducted e-learning training on mental toughness (how to get the most out of your own abilities), which had a participation rate of 97.7%. In addition, self-care training on mental health is conducted every year as part of new employee training.
As Line Care, newly appointed managers undergo e-learning-based training on dealing with the mental health of their subordinates. Additionally, we have created and distributed a mental health guidebook that covers our internal operations, detailing how to respond when someone in the workplace suffers from mental health issues. We also distribute an “Absence from Work Guide” to employees taking a leave of absence due to mental difficulties, which explains the procedures necessary to take a leave of absence, how time should be spent during such an absence from work, and preparations for returning to the workplace, providing support for a trouble-free return.
*Line Care is care provided by managers and supervisors, which includes monitoring and improving the daily work environment and counseling of their staffs.
Source: BackTech Inc.
Preventative Measures against Infectious Diseases
Because many sales personnel at the Group enter medical facilities frequently, we are working to improve measures to counter infectious diseases. In fiscal 2022, the four core activities were (1) measures against COVID-19, (2) promotion of additional measures against rubella, (3) promotion of vaccination against influenza, and (4) enhanced literacy with regard to infectious diseases.
- (1)Measures against COVID-19
Measures taken to counter COVID-19 infection include restrictions on workplace attendance, distribution of masks, installation of partitions and thermometers, and creating environments suitable for remote working. From fiscal 2021, onwards we have been encouraging people to obtain COVID-19 vaccinations by offering vaccinations in areas where we have large facilities. Even after COVID-19 was redesignated for a Type-5 infection under Japan’s Infectious Disease Control Law, we are continuing to distribute information on the five basic ways to prevent infection in-house and are encouraging people to look after their own health. - (2)Promotion of additional measures against rubella
Since fiscal 2019, we have been actively moving ahead with in-house initiatives regarding the additional measures against rubella recommended by the Japanese government. We are encouraging those people eligible for fifth-phase vaccinations to have a rubella antibody test and provided opportunities for onsite testing in offices at large-scale facilities in fiscal 2019 and 2020. The response rate to these additional measures (antibody testing and vaccination) for eligible personnel was 65.1% according to a fiscal 2021 survey, and 77.8% in a survey conducted in fiscal 2022. - (3)Promotion of vaccination against influenza
We conduct group vaccinations against influenza at our offices every year to prevent the spread of infection within the company. The cost of vaccination is subsidized by the health insurance association, and we achieved a 65.6% vaccination rate in fiscal 2022. - (4)Enhanced literacy with regard to infectious diseases
Since fiscal 2020, we have been implementing e-learning on infectious diseases for all employees to allow them to acquire correct knowledge of how to prevent infection and work with confidence and peace of mind. The participation rate in fiscal 2020 was 97.4%, 96.7% in fiscal 2021, and 96.1% in fiscal 2022. 93% of people who participated in e-learning in fiscal 2022 responded that they were able to put what they had learned to use and implement measures against infection.
Support for Women’s Health
To encourage women to take on more active roles, we conducted a survey of all employees on women’s health issues in fiscal 2021. The results of this survey showed that the Group has issues with a lack of understanding of the effect that women’s health issues have on work productivity, and of the fact that symptoms and illnesses associated with pregnancy and giving birth are factors in women giving up their careers, taking leaves of absence, and retiring. In fiscal 2022 we held an online seminar for all employees, inviting an obstetrician/gynecologist to lecture on the need to support women’s health. Furthermore, in the second half of the fiscal year we held a seminar in support of women’s health that focused on menopausal disorders. There was a total of 654 participants in seminars held in both the first and second half of the fiscal year, including those who viewed them on-demand. Participants rated their level of satisfaction as 4.0 points out of a possible 5.0 for the first-half seminar, and 4.2 out of 5.0 for the second half.
Collaborative Health
The Group is promoting collaborative health efforts with the health insurance association, and the two are working together on initiatives intended to encourage participation in a variety of healthcare programs, including a three-pronged approach to quitting smoking, and improving participation in cancer screening and special health instruction.
- Initiatives aimed at improving participation in cancer screening
- Since fiscal 2018, we have been encouraging employees aged 35 and over to have physical examinations instead of periodic health checkups. We hope that substituting the results of physical examinations for those of periodic health checks will increase the rate of participation in cancer screening, and in fact, uptake of screening for the five major forms of cancer is increasing yearly. Since fiscal 2021, e-learning training on cancer prevention has been provided to all employees in conjunction with the application period for physical examinations, with participation rates of 92.7% in fiscal 2021 and 96.2% in fiscal 2022.
- Healthcare initiatives conducted by the health insurance association (Walking Campaign, dental examinations)
- The health insurance association has implemented a range of healthcare initiatives for insured people. They hold a walking campaign every year that publishes the number of steps walked each day by participants on the campaign website by linking the health insurance association portal site to wearable devices supplied by the Company. Points are awarded to reflect the number of steps walked during the campaign, and participants can exchange the points they collect for products they want. In fiscal 2022, the campaign had a 32% participation rate. In addition, group dental checkups are offered to those who want them at offices once a year, in an initiative intended to improve oral hygiene. The health insurance association provides subsidies for recipients.
Introduction of In-House Massage
We have opened a massage room at headquarters as part of our health and productivity management initiative and employment of people with disabilities. Visually impaired employees who are government licensed Shiatsu massage professionals can perform treatment. This initiative has been very well received, with some employees saying that they feel invigorated after a massage and are able to concentrate on their work. Others say that they think this is an excellent initiative as a company welfare program. Utilization of the massage room remains very high, at 99.8% for the first half of the year, and 99.2% for the second half. Additionally, a survey of users showed a high level of satisfaction with the skills of the massage person, with 69% stating that it was “Very good,” and 31% stating it was “good.”
Due to the increased number of people working remotely, we regularly distribute video lectures on stretching and use of pressure points that employees can use for self-care.
Employee Survey
Since fiscal 2011, the Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Group has implemented employee surveys at domestic Group companies to provide a comprehensive understanding of employee attitudes toward their jobs and of the Company’s workplace environments in order to improve management initiatives. From fiscal 2019 we expanded the scope of these initiatives to include overseas Group companies.
As a result of efforts in fiscal 2022, we have on the whole maintained a good work environment and employee vitality. Based on some of the issues that have been found to increase engagement, we are promoting dialog between management and employees, as well as initiatives at each division. We plan to conduct the next survey in fiscal 2023.
Together with Patients and Healthcare Professionals
- Research & Development
- Stable Supply
- Manufacturing Pharmaceuticals that are Secure, Safe, and Convenient to Use
- Information Provision
- Drug Safety / Quality Assurance
- Solving Issues Related to Improving Access to Healthcare
Together with Employees
- Human Resources Development
- Promoting Diversity & Inclusion
- Work-Style Innovation
- Occupational Health and Safety